About Us


BATH CREDIT SERVICES is a serves the debt-collection needs of a variety of businesses including retail, housing and medical.

IT COSTS NOTHING to use our services.  Let us not only help you to collect on your bad debts and to re-establish a business relationship with former customers, but also help you to positively impact your bottom line.

Our PROFESSIONAL STAFF has more than  80 years of combined debt recovery experience.  We adhere to industry guidelines for debt collection. We understand the importance of recovering debt in a legal and professional manner so that your customers will have every opportunity to pay off their debt , restore their credit, and return to being a customer in good standing with your company.

We also understand the importance of maintaining strong customer relations and are willing to work with your customers to arrange payment schedules which they can afford. We want them to succeed in paying off their debt as much as you want them to!  Our staff is comprised of people who work with your customers to achieve mutual success.